Så var vi igång igen efter det långa Covid pandemistoppet. Det blev ett stort roligt filmseminarium i samarbete med teatergruppen Unga Klara och Södertörns Högskola kring filmens innehåll, som ligger dem varmt om hjärtat. Det kom mycket folk och Klara biografen blev fullsatt, och publiken var exhalterad och väldigt intresserad av det dom såg. Det satte helt klart igång något väsentligt och angeläget hos de som var där.
Now we are up and running again after the long Covid pandemic stop. It was a fun film seminar in collaboration with the theatre group Unga Klara, and Södertörn University about the content of the film, which is close to their hearts. A lot of people came and the Klara cinema was packed, and the audience was excited and very interested in what they saw. It clearly set in motion something essential and urgent in those who were there
"It is a great pride and joy to inform you that "Open minds, Sharp brains, Big hearts" has been nominated for The World Class Film Awards 2023.
Best Director - Feature
Best Feature Documentary
Best European Filmmaker
Huge congratulations! This is only a reflection of your perseverance, discipline and passion as a creator. We have no doubt that every nominee deserves to be recognized
and celebrated for their incredible talent and dedication to their craft, that´s why The World Class Film Awards will be held in one of the most versatile and multicultural places in the world, Mexico City. The World Class Film Awards will take place on June 16th and 17th."
The film won Best Producer (Bengt Olov Danneborn) & Best Educational Feature at Barcelona film festival!.
The film has been nominated Best Producer (Bengt Olov Danneborn) & Best Educational Feature at Barcelona film festival!.
New wepage launched! Here you can watch a teaser for the film and keep yourself updated on whats next.